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Feedforward: Tijuana's Border

Public presentation of the Empathy&Risk project at the Auditorium of the Instituto de Cultura de Baja California, Tijuana, and Feedforward session.

1 April 2022

Auditorium of the Instituto de Cultura de Baja California

Paseo del Centenario 1151, 22320 Tijuana

Free entrance

This session of Feedforward explores narratives and rhetoric of the border, taking the Tijuana/San Diego area as a paradigmatic example. How can we apply this case study to the rest of the world, understand distant borders, and challenge our perceptions of nationalism, identity and policies of exclusion?



Presentation of Empathy&Risk with David Cotterrell, artist and project director.


Open conversation with guest speakers: - Juan Antonio del Monte, Professor and researcher in the Department of Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana. Co-coordinator of the Migration Legislation and Policy Observatory. - Roberto D. Hernández, associate professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies at San Diego State University. - Eduardo Elías Gutiérrez López, Professor-Researcher at UABC Tijuana Law School. - Carolina Lio, curator at Empathy&Risk and director at Looking Forward, London. Cultura de Baja California, Tijuana: Presentation of the Empathy & Risk project and Feedforward session.

Chaired by Olga Margarita Dávila.

Empathy & Risk is an arts-led interdisciplinary initiative that addresses issues of systemic failure in contexts of contemporary global crisis, tension, or political imbalance. Founded by artist David Cotterrell in 2017, E&R has since explored the potential for cultural producers to engage critically with contemporary policy and politics. Past projects include the curation of the symposium The Other, about the US/Mexico Border in partnership with Universidad Iberoamericana (2021); the programme Cancelled during the World Conference of Statelessness in The Hague (2019) and the Human Rights Arts Festival in Sri Lanka (2018).

Feedforward is a curatorial format exploring curatorial methodologies and models of cooperation in the global context. The Feedforward programme is developed by Looking Forward.

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Looking Forward - Art Projects C.I.C.

Company number 12343068​

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