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Presentation of Marzia Migliora's Monography in Rome

On Saturday October 12th, join us at the Museo delle Civiltà in Rome for the launch of Marzia Migliora: Seven Imaginative Exhibitions 1993-2024 —the first monographic book dedicated to the artist. Curated by Anna Cestelli Guidi and Matteo Lucchetti, produced by Looking Forward and published by NERO Editions, the book gathers over thirty years of the artist’s production. It includes texts and exhibitions curated by: Diana Campbell, Anna Cestelli Guidi, Francesca Comisso and Nicoletta Leonardi, Maja and Reuben Fowkes, Matteo Lucchetti, Adrian Piper, and Andrea Viliani; and contributions by Eva Brioschi, Emanuele Coccia, Marzia Migliora, Elena Pugliese, Davide Quadrio, and Vandana Shiva.

Conceived as a concept book, Seven Imaginative Exhibitions reinterprets Marzia’s practice through recurring themes such as rurality, extractivism, interspecies metamorphoses, and community-building, turning her decades-long career into a unique emotional and geographic journey.

This project is realized with the support of the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture as part of the Italian Council program (12th edition, 2023). Other sponsors:Archivorum, Collezione La Gaia. Cultural Partners: Association Fondazione Torino Musei for MAO Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino; Museo delle Civiltà, Rome; Samdani Art Foundation, Dhaka.

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Looking Forward - Art Projects C.I.C.

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